Lise Reynaert

From Data to Insight

Expert Statistician and ML Enthusiast
Proficient in R, Python, C++, SAS, SQL, Tableau, and Excel VBA

Where I harness the concepts of Joins, Windows, data types conversions and Aggregate Functions to unveil meaningful insights from the vast pool of COVID-19 data. Armed with a comprehensive and insightful dataset, I transition to Tableau—a premier data visualization platform—to craft an intuitive and interactive dashboard.

Where I explore the characteristics that distinguish mi-cuit, fondant, moelleux, cake, and cupcake chocolate treats. Leveraging the power of Python and its versatile libraries—BeautifulSoup, Pandas, and Sklearn—I delve into the realm of recipe webscraping, data cleaning, and machine learning classification.

Where I visualize Bitcoin's captivating trajectory using the powerful combination of Pycoingecko, Plotly, and mplfinance. By harnessing data from the CoinGecko API, I create interactive candlestick graphs that bring Bitcoin's market movements to life.

Where I set up dashboards with key economic statistics, unraveling their stories through the powerful combination of R libraries—dplyr, plotly, leaflet, kable, flexdashboard, and markdown.

Where I present a detailed guide on harnessing the power of dynamic cartography with the leaflet package in R. Aimed at empowering colleagues with valuable geospatial visualization skills, this tutorial showcases the seamless integration of dplyr, R Markdown, and leaflet to create interactive and visually captivating maps.
