I am a statistician, with +10 years of experience as a statistical and data analyst in various public and private institutions :
Brevan Howard, European Central Bank, Insee, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Ministry of Agriculture
I know how important it is to define the context, to identify the users'/partners' needs, to discuss with domain experts.

Role Institution Job type Period
Data analyst Regional directorate of Economics, Employment and Labour (DREETS) 50 % May 2019 – Nov 2021

  • Contributed to the smooth functioning, maintenance (in VBA), and coherence checks of the monthly and quarterly publications
  • Set up from scratch a new quarterly public publication on employment:
    • Extracted, transformed, and manipulateed data from multiple sources;
    • Explained conceptual differences between these sources, in close collaboration with my manager;
    • Built and maintained automated processes (incl. checks and coherence reporting) that can be reused continuously, in R for data process and Excel for visualization;
    • Documented the whole process for R non savvy team member
  • Renovated and fully automatized the “chiffres clés en Hauts-de-France” , the regional flagship statistical publication:
    • Created equivalent departmental publications;
    • Converted the VBA process with manual operations into fully automated R version (using dplyr, Rmarkdown, ggplot2, kable and cartography), with checks and coherence reporting. The 150 visualizations are now generated automatically, ready to be reviewed and published;
    • Documented the process, and mentored an eager colleague so that she would continue the R automation with the framework I set up
  • Developed and promoted R tools in R for interactive maps and graphs, using leaflet and plotly:
    • Created functions to ease and automate the use of leaflet and plotly for the team specific tasks;
    • Set up a course for the team, give them relevant documentation and hindsight, to make them switch from QGIS and Excel to R;
    • Ambitioned and started to translate static publications into dynamic dashboards with Rshiny;
    • Set up an overview of R packages for interactive maps, for the R community of Insee (National Statistical Office). Namely answered the question: which package for which use?
  • Provided (usually urgent) services for users (ministers), namely by producing ad-hoc tables, charts and maps, in close collaboration with my manager and the team
  • Protected automatically the confidentiality for these ad-hoc tables, using the R package sdcMicro
  • Managed and improved the internal and external disseminations:
    • Monitored and published all the publications, in close collaboration with the team;
    • Reorganized and enhanced the statistical part of the website;
    • Contributed to the migration to a new intranet platform for internal dissemination

Role Institution Job type Period
Statistical analyst European Central Bank 100 % Oct 2016 – Oct 2019

In the Household Finance and Consumption survey
  • Maintained, updated, further automatized the validation, production and dissemination process in SAS:
    • Automated the validation reporting sent to the National Banks (about 110 transmissions: ~5 data transmissions/country X 22 countries);
    • Assisted in the results publication of wave 2014, by coherence checking with national accounts, compiling disseminations materials and updating webpage;
    • Updated the programs following the questionnaire changes in the wave 2017
  • Coordinated National Banks on survey methodology and process streamlining:
    • Lead two working groups on survey methodology and process streamlining;
    • Advised National Banks on survey methodology (data collection, sampling, imputation) and good practices;
    • Formulated recommendations to streamline data process (i.e. multiple imputation);
    • Set up centralized tools (SAS Macro and Stata programs) to ease National Banks’ transmissions
  • Investigated the matching of the HFCS with Household Budget Survey:
    • Represented the ECB in the OECD/Eurostat expert group on joint distribution of income, consumption and wealth;
    • Presented to the expert group methodological investigations on the matching
  • Analysed and exploited HFCS data:
    • Co-wrote a paper on household vulnerability for the IFC in 2017;
    • Co-wrote a paper on linking macro and micro household balance sheet data to nowcast the HFCS results in 2018;
    • Presented the latter at the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW) conference in Copenhagen in August 2018
  • Assisted researchers on survey data uses’ and access:
    • Compiled and edited the metadata document essential for cross-country comparisons;
    • Managed data access, in close cooperation with my colleagues : reviewing researcher projects’, giving and withdraw access to survey data;
    • Help researchers’ with technical difficulties (complex database with multiple imputation)
Collaborations with other business area
  • Collaborated in the launching of the new online survey on consumers expectations, to help with the methodological specifications and data pipelines specifications;
  • Collaborated with DG-Banknotes to help exploit their microdata by assessing the life duration of banknotes and the effect of varnish;
  • Contributed to the checking and dissemination of short-time statistics published by the ECB (i.e. Purchasing Managers' Index)

  • Role Institution Job type Period
    Statistical analyst French National Statistical Office (Insee) 100 % Sept 2015 – May 2016

  • Presented the methodology, collection outcome, and first results to the National Council of Statistical Information (CNIS)
  • Handled the analysis and publication material of a national statistical survey on non-profit associations using SAS: official report on the results, analytical tables, survey methodology documentation
  • Prepared the dissemination of microdata to researchers and Insee data analysts
  • Collaborated on the questionnaire and sampling design of a survey on global value chain

  • Role Institution Job type Period
    Statistical analyst French National Statistical Office (Insee) 100 % Sept 2012 – Sept 2015

    In the Directorate of Demographic Statistics

  • Planned, coordinated, implemented the production, the analysis and validation of the annual legal populations of 35 700 French municipalities using SAS and SQL. These populations are of paramount importance to the municipalities: over 350 law texts refer to them.
    • Planned and coordinated the whole production with my colleagues and I make sure that all the deadlines are respected;
    • Enhanced the production process and wrote the related documentation;
    • Validated the official figures
  • Handled the data media sent to the regional offices, the mayors' offices and the prefectures
  • Set up a dashboard in Excel for the regional offices to help them analyse their populations and answer to questions from the elected representatives easily
  • Enhanced the non-response adjustment method:
    • Carried out methodological investigations;
    • Put forward improvements of the method on a short-term vision;
    • Compared other nonresponse adjustments that could be implemented on the long-term;
    • Lectured my results at a public congress called "les journées de la méthodologie statistique"

  • Role Institution Period
    Teaching assistant in inferential statistics École Nationale de Statistique et Analyse de l'Information 2011 – 2014

    Role Institution Job type Period
    Statistical analyst French Ministry of Agriculture 100 % Sept 2009 – Sept 2012

  • Analysed and published monthly synthesis on short-term economic state of the food-processing industry and agricultural input
  • Collected and managed the aggregated economic data in VBA and Hyperion
  • Set up and published a monthly report using VBA on food-processing economic state, using data from a variety of sources
  • Implemented the computation of a new absolute prices series for fertilisers using SAS, at Eurostat's request
  • Collaborated on the methodological revision of the hedonic price model for the price of farmland, in a working group:
    • Carried out studies to help decision making for the working group;
    • Set up a production process in SAS to produce the prices;
    • Cowrote a statistical publication together with my manager, for a rather informed public;
    • Wrote a paper for the general public analysing the evolution of farmland's prices